So we went to see The Great Gatsby last night. It was cheap night, obvy, but we splurged (a major $12.99) for the special AVX theatre at Yonge & Dundas. It has these wicked luxury seats with nice padding and you can lean back a bit, plus this insane sound system and a HUGE screen. It's some next level shit. We decided to splurge on the AVX for The Great Gatsby because we thought the soundtrack would sound sweet and that the 3D would be cool in the AVX. We were right, it was saweeeet.

This is what we thought about the movie:

Lauren: (I have a fuck tonne of shit to say about this movie, so I'm not even going to address the gorgeous wardrobe and nearly perfect soundtrack. Everyone knows about that shit anyways).
I really, really loved it. This comes as no surprise, though. I knew I was going to like it before I even saw it. Why? I like Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite movies ever) and I've been into the story of The Great Gatsby for years. I first read it when I was about 16 and then I watched the movie and fell in love with Robert Redford. Anyways, that's a different story.
Let's just say that this is a deep movie that is chalk full of metaphors, meanings and ....feelings. That's the only way I can think to describe it. I felt a lot of feelings through the whole movie.
I was just reading reviews about it and I can't believe how bad they are. I feel like the bad reviews must come from people who just don't get the movie, or the story in general. You know, people who don't think about what it all means. It's a dark story. You can't go into the movie expecting it to make you feel good, because it won't. It is a sad, realistic look into the psyche, dreams, and fears of everyday people who get wrapped up in themselves, lust, glamour, and ..America? Which is something that happens to many of us. Those of us who party and get lost in a hazy daze of fun and beauty and enjoyment. (I'm rereading the book so I will revisit all this heavy, deep shit at a later date.)
This is a BIG movie, in every sense. The glitz, sparkle and decadence is something I've never seen in a movie before (or in real life for that matter), but I found it to be fabulous. It's like an orgasm for your eyes. It is so over-the-top, but that is what Luhrmann was trying to convey. The way these people lived was ridiculous, and it is easy to see how the characters got lost in it all. I know I would. The glitz gets in your bones. During the party scenes, with the pumping music, it just made me want to go out and party with my friends. I felt like I could feel their drunkenness, but later, I could also feel them sobering up and coming down. Not in a good way either. This is what i mean about feeling the movie. There's this one scene where Nick and Tom are partying in New York and Nick gets fucking wasted for the second time in his whole life. You see him removed from the party for a minute, with this dazed, drunk look on his face looking at everything going on like, "Where the fuck am I and who the fuck are these people?" We've all been there.
I've never liked Tobey Maguire before I saw this movie. I've always just thought he was a pussy. But he was great. Regardless of reviews, I think Maguire played the perfect Nick Carraway. So pure and innocent and devoid of discretion. Plus, I never thought I would say this, but he wore some of the best clothes in the whole movie. And Leo, ohhh Leo. He looked so young and handsome and slim and chic. It made me happy to see DiCaprio looking so good. At times his looks were reminiscient of Titanic, which made me feel young too. But Gatsby is just the saddest most hopeful (hopeless) character and it is absolutely heartbreaking. His identity is entwined with loving Daisy, and it absolutely becomes his life. She is his life, and she doesn't even know it. And at the end of the movie we see that she doesn't even care.
But Carey as Daisy! I'm biased because I love Carey Mulligan, but I really think she redefined the character of Daisy. She was so, so different from Mia Farrow's aloof, ditzy character. Mulligan speaks in a heavy, weighted, almost monotone voice that brings new meaning to everything she says. Her lines are no longer random nonsense as I felt they were with Farrow, and rather they are smart and poignant and deep. I think there are still bits of Daisy that haven't been lost in her beautiful (but sad) life, and that is the part of her that loves Gatsby and is passionate about him. But again, at the end of the movie, she gets lost in the comfort of her life and forgets. I found one of the most haunting scenes of the movie to be during Gatsby's funeral, which only Nick attends, when they show a shot of Daisy packing up and leaving East Egg. I wanted to feel some kind of emotion from her; a sadness that Gatsby is dead, guilt that she is moderately to blame for his death, or just general heartbreak that the man that she loves is gone. But there is nothing in Mulligan's eyes, which just rounds out the shallow, careless character that is Daisy Buchanan.
This is a really, really smart and complex movie. It left me feeling uneasy and a little heartbroken, but also grateful that my life isn't like theirs. It provides a bit of necessary perspective, and for that reason alone everyone should see it. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 9/10. It made me think, which is something I can't say about so, so many movies.

Concetta: So last night we saw The Great Gatsby. Normally, I hate when they remake movies. Why fuck up a good thing right? Not this time. Because there was a MASSIVE budget, it was everything Fitzgerald was describing in the book. That party scene? ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I have never wanted to be at a party so bad. I really enjoyed that the music was modern. It definitely made the party scenes way more fun and I also think it will draw in a much younger crowd to watch the movie. Leo was perfect to play the role of Gatsby. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Robert Redford but Leo blew it out of the park! Carey was a good choice for Daisy, however she wasn't as desperate and spacey as I was hoping she be. Her costumes were beautiful and same with that jewelry! Although I think the two were great choices, I didn't believe in their love. I almost wish they had picked someone who looked better with Leo as opposed to picking a famous actress. That being said, I have no idea who I would have picked! TOBEY! Oh my Tobey. You are so dashing and handsome. I hope you get nominated for something. You stole my heart! He was fantastic! I'd even go so far to say that he was way better than Sam Waterston! Overall I think the movie was grape! They definitely blew my expectations. I hope one day some rich man will ponder over me like that HAHA I'LL DRINK TO THAT RIGHT?

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